Zoom the White Dolphin , an all-new animated series is being aired on TF1 since August 30, 2015. 52 episodes were produced in 2015 et 52 others in 2020-2021. The series tells the story of Yann, a diving-mad teenager, and Marina, his adorable seven year old sister. Yann and Marina live with their uncle, Patrick, an oceanographer, on Maotou, a paradisiac and remote island in the Pacific Ocean. When Yann meets Zoom, a mysterious and remarkably intelligent white dolphin, it is the start of an indestructible friendship.
The series is entirely computer animated and rendered in 2D. Its original use of light and colours makes its graphic style thoroughly unique. Zoom the White Dolphin is produced by Media Valley and Marzipan Films in co-production with TF1. The series is directed by Stephane Bernasconi.

Fiche technique

Status Aired

Format 52 x 13′

Technique CGI Animation with 2D render

Director Stéphane Bernasconi

Based upon the characters created by Vladimir Tartakovsky and Marc Bonnet

Audience from 6 to 10 years old

Genre Adventure / Comedy


Broadcaster TF1